The Amazing World of the Googol and the Googolplex
Not to be mistaken for the prominent search engine Google (whose name is a deliberate misspelling of googol, a ploy by the founders to suggest the engine provided unimaginable amounts of information), the simplest description of this mathematical term is it's a 'big number'. Googol, a 1 followed by 100 zeros can be written as:
Not to be mistaken for the prominent search engine Google (whose name is a deliberate misspelling of googol, a ploy by the founders to suggest the engine provided unimaginable amounts of information), the simplest description of this mathematical term is it's a 'big number'. Googol, a 1 followed by 100 zeros can be written as:
However, more simply it can be written in standard form notation:
A Googol has no specific importance within mathematics, however it does lead to another 'big number'.... a Googolplex.
A Googolplex is even larger than a Googol, and can be written as:
10googol or alternatively 1010100

The scale of the Googol and Googolplex is astounding when considered it is impossible to write out the digits even if a whole lifetime was dedicated to the task!
10^100 nu este (≠) 10^(10^10)
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