Tuesday 22 July 2014


3) If an average person has a mass of 60kg, and the world population is currently around 7 billion people, estimate the mass of the human race.
1 person= 60kg
60 × 7000000000 = 420000000000
= 4.2×10¹¹ kg
4) The size of a microbe.
micrometer= one millionth of a meter
5) The energy in a snack of your choice.
1 apple= 253kj
253kj= 253000j
= 2.53×10⁵j
6) The width of your hand.
hand width= 10cm
10cm= 0.1m
7) The height of a door
8) The width of your thumb nail.
thumb nail width= 1.5cm
1.5cm= 0.015m
= 0.015m
9) The number of seconds you have been calculating these answers.

30 mins= 30×60s

10) Your age

16years= 16×365=5840
=5.05×10⁷ s (3.s.f)


Monday 21 July 2014



1) R= 9.5÷0.00046
       = 20652.1739......
       = 21000.0 (1.s.f)
       = 2.1
         = 2.1×10
2) R= 135÷ 5.2× 10⁶
        = 135 ÷ 5200000
        = 0.000025961......
        = 0.000026 (2.s.f)
        = 2.6×10
3) R= 6.5 ×10⁵ ÷ 1.23
        = 650000÷ 1.23
        = 528455.28....
        = 530000.00 (2.s.f)
        = 5.3×10⁵

4) R= 9.46×10⁴ ÷ 2.56×10¯³
        = 94600÷ 0.00256 
        = 36953125
        = 37000000 (2.s.f)
        = 3.70× 10⁷

5) R= 24÷0.003886
        = 6176.0164.....
        = 6.2 (2.s.f)
        = 6.2×10³








Plans for the newest particle accelerator to open later this year have taken a step backwards as it was discovered earlier this week the two separate teams working on the project had used different units to measure the size of the tunnel; meaning the two halves of the accelerator will not meet exactly. The Super Large Atom Smasher (SLAM) is a joint project between India and China which plans to run under part of Nepal, rivalling CERN as the largest particle accelerator on the globe. However, despite an approximated cost of $5billion, the two separate engineering teams used different units to measure the curvature of the tunnel, meaning the two halves will not meet. The team from China used meters (the standard SI unit) where as their Indian counterparts used feet. Both teams claim they had been told to use the choice of units by management and deny responsibility for the others mistake. Despite being eight years into the project it seems unless a solution can be achieved this would be one of the greatest (and most expensive) blunders in scientific history.

SLAM is located under large regions of the Himalayas which aim to provide protection from cosmic particles which can interfere with delicate recording devices.

Tuesday 15 July 2014



1) By adding a resistor to circuit B this will cause a change in resistance, in this case the resistance within circuit B will be higher than circuit A. The change in resistance therefore causes the flow of charge (as resistors resist the flow of electrons) to change also. In this case the bulb in circuit B will be dimmer than circuit A.

2) Circuit B shows the correct way to use an ammeter, to measure the current within the circuit it must be connected in series; within circuit A the ammeter is connected in parallel which is incorrect.

3) In this circuit the reading on the ammeter is 1.12 amps
1.12amps= 1.12 coulombs per second
For one minute, 1.12*60= 67.2 coulombs

Monday 14 July 2014

Googol and Googolplex

The Amazing World of the Googol and the Googolplex


Not to be mistaken for the prominent search engine Google (whose name is a deliberate misspelling of googol, a ploy by the founders to suggest the engine provided unimaginable amounts of information), the simplest description of this mathematical term is it's a 'big number'. Googol, a 1 followed by 100 zeros can be written as:

However, more simply it can be written in standard form notation: 
A Googol has no specific importance within mathematics, however it does lead to another 'big number'.... a Googolplex.

A Googolplex is even larger than a Googol, and can be written as: 
10googol or alternatively 1010100 
Much like a Googol, a Googolplex has no specific importance and there are other number greater in magnitude (for example googolduplex and googolplexian) however it is widely recognised as the 'largest number'. A Googolplex has so many zeros it is impossible to write apart from in notation form; even if a person can write two digits per second, then writing a googolplex would take around about 1.51×1092 years, which is about 1.1×1082 times the age of the universe. A Googolplex is so large if all the atoms in the known universe were lined up (estimated at 1081) and it was attempted to write the Googolplex out with one digit per atom there would not be enough!
The scale of the Googol and Googolplex is astounding when considered it is impossible to write out the digits even if a whole lifetime was dedicated to the task!

Thursday 3 July 2014

Van Der Graaff Generator

Van Der Graaff Generator 
Within the Van der Graaff generator a bottom roller is in contact with a belt(6); as the roller spins this causes the belt to spin. Because the belt and roller are in contact this causes the two materials to become charged (this is called the 'triboelectric effect', where certain materials can become charged through contact with another material). For example the roller could be made of rubber and the belt of teflon. When the roller and belt are made of these materials electrons from the inner surface of the belt move to the roller, leaving the inner surface of the belt with a positive charge and the roller with a negative charge.
In the Van der Graaff generator a brush is situated near (not touching) the bottom roller(7). The large negative charge on the roller repels electrons on the sharp points of the brush, leaving the sharp points on the brush with a positive charge. This then creates a large area of attraction between the areas of positive charge on the brush points and the electrons on the roller. Due to the strong electric field atoms in the air gap (between the roller and brush points) can lose electrons and become charged ions . As the ions move in the air gap this can be observed as a 'corona discharge' and seen as a purple hue. The positive ions are attracted strongly to the roller, however the belt is in the way; this means an area of the belt gains positive charge as the positive ions collect on the surface. The belt then moves to the top roller with a net positive charge(4) and repelled electrons within the brush point are then earthed by the power source.
At the top of the dome of the Van der Graaff generator is another roller in contact with the belt(3). This roller is made from a different material compared to the first one: for example glass or metal. At this point an opposite triboelectric effect compared to the bottom roller is seen, the roller gains positive charge and the inner surface of the belt gains a negative charge. The negatively charged roller then moves downward(5). The two oppositely charged rollers reinforce the others charging.
At the top roller there is another brush point, here the large positive charge of the top roller repels protons at the brush, negative ions are then attracted to roller and move through the air gap(2). However, like with the bottom roller these ions first hit the outside of the belt where the negative charge is then carried down.

In this example negative ions move from the top brush to the belt, leaving the dome with a deficit of negative charge and is therefore positive(1).

Hello Physics people!